Tour Bandung in December with Private Car
In December, there are many visitors to Bandung. For this year, many domestic travelers so Bandung will be very crowded. One of the crowded picture can be seen below in Kawah Putih.

There are many group visiting Kawah Putih and other destinations in Bandung to spend holiday time. One of Bandung Driver customers Ms. Sue and family, also spend their holiday time in Bandung. It is started with pickup from Padalarang high speed train Whoosh on first day. Travel duration from Jakarta to Bandung has been shortening due to the arrival of the new transportation mode, that is Whoosh train. Now, almost all arrival to Bandung for tour, the pickup is from Padalarang train station.

In December, between 1 to 20 December, we can still enjoy less people in Bandung. From 20 to 31 December, more people in places of interest. Anyway, in any occasion, Bandung still be a place that is considered as number one. In this year of 2024, during December, it is clear in the morning and rain in afternoon. However, near to the end of December, Bandung begin to clear all day.

In the picture is Ms. Sue and her parent. Ms. Sue ask special request not to bring to places with hiking activities. In Bandung, there are craters and volcanos. It seems that, the tourist destinations in Bandung full of hiking and climbing. No. On the contrary, all infrastructure has been built so that car can go up to the top. Most of the natural destinations, don’t need high physical energy. Only small walking, that is health and good for body even for elderly.

Bandung Driver always provide best car and best driver. In South Bandung like Kawah Putih, driver can accompany guest to enter Kawah Putih. So, not only as driver but also as a friend. As if our friend drive for us. In Ciwidey, driver can also enter Rengganis. In North Bandung, there is Tangkuban Parahu.
More story can be found in this site. By reading Bandung Driver website, you will understand how to take holiday in Bandung. Don’t hesitate to contact us when you need private tour driver in Bandung.